Our Blog | Bertoni Solutions
What Is Nearshore Software Development

What Is Nearshore Software Development

Nearshore software development is outsourcing services to nearby countries, offering cost savings, cultural alignment, and much more. Learn more about it.
José Ángel Labbad
José Ángel Labbad
Project Management Office Director
IT Staff Augmentation: A Comprehensive Guide

IT Staff Augmentation: A Comprehensive Guide

IT staff augmentation helps scale your tech team, boost productivity, and seamlessly achieve your project goals. Learn more about how it works and if it's right for your business.
José Miguel Arráiz
José Miguel Arráiz
Human Resources Manager
9 Benefits of IT staff augmentation for your business

9 Benefits of IT staff augmentation for your business

Benefits of IT staff augmentation are numerous. Find out how your business can benefit by leveraging them.
José Miguel Arráiz
José Miguel Arráiz
Human Resources Manager
Remote workforce, Swiss style: How our international company brings Swiss heritage to IT services

Remote workforce, Swiss style: How our international company brings Swiss heritage to IT services

Discover how our international company taps into Latin American talent to deliver exceptional remote IT services
Katherine Martínez
Katherine Martínez
Technical Writer
How to ensure a smooth transition when adding new technology to projects with staff augmentation

How to ensure a smooth transition when adding new technology to projects with staff augmentation

This article highlights the challenges faced during technology integration and provides solutions to overcome them. Explore the benefits of utilizing staff augmentation to scale software teams and embrace remote talent for successful project implementation.
Katherine Martínez
Katherine Martínez
Technical Writer
Agile Journey - Most common misunderstandings

Agile Journey - Most common misunderstandings

The word “agile” is getting thrown around a lot today. But what does it mean to actually be “agile”? Let’s find out!
José Ángel Labbad
José Ángel Labbad
Project Management Office Director
What is digital security and why it matters now more than ever

What is digital security and why it matters now more than ever

Learn about how uncertainties caused by the pandemic can make your business a subject of cyberattacks and what you could do to stay digitally secure.
Abdultawwab A. Ibiyeye
Abdultawwab A. Ibiyeye
Technical Writer
How to significantly improve team productivity with workflow automation

How to significantly improve team productivity with workflow automation

Discover how workflow automation and robotic process automation (RPA) with Microsoft tools can help you improve your ROI through better team productivity levels.
Abdultawwab A. Ibiyeye
Abdultawwab A. Ibiyeye
Technical Writer
Staff Augmentation as a service versus Software Development as a Service – Which solution is best for your business?

Staff Augmentation as a service versus Software Development as a Service – Which solution is best for your business?

Choosing between staff augmentation or SDAS model shouldn't be an overly tricky task. Find out which is best for you as we analyze both models in detail.
Magdalena Chiaravalloti
Magdalena Chiaravalloti
Business Development Manager
How digital technology can help you solve major business challenges in 2021

How digital technology can help you solve major business challenges in 2021

Digital technology is helping soften the impact that COVID-19 has had over businesses. We discuss how this situation can impact your business and the opportunities that may arise.
Abdultawwab A. Ibiyeye
Abdultawwab A. Ibiyeye
Technical Writer
Five smart methods to guarantee a successful test automation maintenance process

Five smart methods to guarantee a successful test automation maintenance process

Fix your software testing nightmares by getting the best out of test automation with our recommended software testing tips.
Abdultawwab A. Ibiyeye
Abdultawwab A. Ibiyeye
Technical Writer
All you need to know before selecting tech partners

All you need to know before selecting tech partners

Outsourcing can be a productive and optimal method for carrying out software development projects. We discuss strategies to achieve the best results when working with tech partners.
Abdultawwab A. Ibiyeye
Abdultawwab A. Ibiyeye
Technical Writer