Erfolgsgeschichten | Bertoni Solutions
A man focused on his work, using web a pplication development website made by Bertoni Solutions
A person holding a smartphone displaying an mobile application development made by Bertoni Solutions on the screen
A computer monitor, keyboard, and mouse placed on a desk showcasing the seamless IT support provided by Bertoni Solutions
Construction worker using a mobile app made by Bertoni Solutions to efficiently compile essential reports on-site
A man using a laptop, visualising different projects in collaboration with Bertoni Solutions
A person adeptly typing on a laptop, empowered by Bertoni Solutions' Microsoft 365 implementation services
An image of a man at a desk with two laptops, showcasing IT staff augmentation services by Bertoni Solutions


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Bertoni Solutions GmbH, Baar, Switzerland

+41 44 561 58 85

Bertoni Solutions S.A.C., Lima, Perú

+51 1 640 1680

Bertoni Solutions, New York, USA

+1 929 352 1759